1) Get into a woman's face with a balled up fist. If I see that I may just perhaps, lay you out.
2) Be completely disrespectful to a pregnant woman. I.E. Make her cry with your stupid candor, raise your voice in an aggressive tone, make her feel like nobody will want her because of the child, it goes on and on.
3) Be a completely worthless father. If you can't take care of your child(ren), I'll take care of you. Because I was the only one with balls to stand up to my father. So don't for a second think I'll be scared of you.
4) Don't EVER be a manipulative prick. Enough said about that.
5) If you EVER try to cause division between family that I'm close to. I.E Mine or one that took me in like my GF's family, or the Hawes family. Avoid all contact with me. Because if you get this far without me hurting you, You're blessed. If you get this far without me even having a say, then God for some reason, showed you mercy.
Please understand that violence is not something I condone, But I am a lion of the tribe of Judah. I will defend my pride. Not one lion, especially a lioness will be harmed in your cowardly efforts. So if you charge, be ready to fall.